As I walked into Everybody's Whole Foods, my local grocery, I was passed by an employee carrying a customer's groceries out to the parking lot. A lot of visual information flowed into my brain but what dominated was that his watch was analog with a yellow background. Was it the yellow background or the analog watch on a person in their twenties that attracted me?
When he returned from the parking lot, I asked him about his watch. He said he bought it from Etsy and that it was based on a Russian model. He told me that he prefers analog watches to digital ones. This surprised me given that he is in his twenties. The watch made me want to learn more about him so I will continue the conversation next time I see him in the store. I think it will lead somewhere interesting.
I will tell him about the analog stopwatch that I have had since 1963. It is probably my oldest possession. I bought it when I was training for cross country and track in high school. It still works and I am using it to time how long it takes me to write this post.
It is now at 26 minutes and 45 seconds. Of course this does not include the time I spent thinking about what I will write which is probably over an hour. What I have produced here is so much more complete than the vague version that my imagination provided me. I guess when the eyes and the fingers get involved you have to reify your thoughts which lets you change one word to another. Imaginary writing evaporates when you look at it too closely.
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